How to Fix HTTP Error 405 Method Not Allowed In 2024

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We have already talked about a lot of errors and their fixtures in our previous blogs, and today we are going to discuss‌ 405 error fixtures.

The 405 error can be annoying and a daunting task for ‌users to deal with. It prevents the users from accessing different websites, and pushes the visitors away from the website.

Sadly, you will never see the results on the page as the error is never explained on the site. Hence, in this blog; we are going to discuss what is the 405 error.

How can you solve the 405 errors in your WordPress website? So, buckle up and start reading this interesting piece of content for your business website fixtures.

Ready to explore it with us?

Let’s get started then!!

What is the error 405 method not allowed?

The HTTP 405 method not allowed means that your browser has sent an HTTP request (GET,POST, PUT, etc) that doesn’t allow users to go forward to the website. Usually, this error is mostly triggered by something that a user does. Mostly it’s due to the wrong URL input.

HTTP 405 error response

The HTTP 405 error status code indicates that the server has received a request, and the resource is not demanding. However, such a situation occurs when ‌ incorrect methods or server errors are not configured.

So, these are the errors that prompts on the screen:

  • HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed
  • HTTP Error 405 – Method Not Allowed
  • Method Not Allowed
  • 405 Not Allowed
  • HTTP Error 405

So, what are the possible HTTP 405 methods?

What are HTTP methods?

HTTP methods are a set of actions that are performed on the resources identified by the URIs. A URIs uses servers as an address for the resources, allowing it to be easily located, and retrieved when a user tries to access it from anywhere.

Here are going to explain common HTTP methods that will make you understand things much more.

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HTTP Methods and its corresponding Descriptions

In this section, we are going to explain the HTTP methods, and its description to make it much easier.

Get – retrieves the representation of the resources
Put – updates a resource with a data
Post – sends a data to be processed by the resource
Delete – This command deletes a resource
Head – retrieves the header information of a resource
Options – retrieves the supported methods, and other options for a resource
Connect – this HTTP method creates a network connection to the resource from the server
Trace – this HTTP comment retrieves a diagnostic trace of the actions that is performed by the resource
Patch – It applies ‌partial modification to a resource

How can you solve the HTTP Error 405 method not allowed?

In this section, we are quickly going to learn about the HTTP 405 method not allowed errors in detail:

Go through the URL before entering

Mostly the HTTP error 405 method not allowed occurs when the URL is not correct. Mostly the wrong URL that you enter in the web browsers makes the users restricted from accessing the website.

The best way out is to check the URL before entering to avoid the HTTP 405 error.

Check the domain’s DNS

The second case is when the URL is correct but still you get to see the 405 HTTP code, so the error is in the domain DNS.

Hence, if the domain points to an incorrect server, or still the DNS is propagated then it will cause the HTTP 405 method not allowed code.

Fix the WordPress file and its permission

When the WordPress file is incorrect, or the folder is having permission issues then it also causes the HTTP error 405 method not allowed. Hence, the WordPress server could not execute ‌certain operations.

Therefore, the permission issues make the web server ‌ not respond and execute the tasks like media files, or updating the plugins/themes for the website.

Hence, the access permissions that users are going to do certain operations within your WordPress website, and make changes in the folders.

Lastly, the folders, and files will make it difficult for the users to edit, and do ‌certain things. Therefore, make sure that you’re checking the file access.

Try to deactivate the website’s newly installed plugins

Most of the time, you will see that whenever you install a plugin or add the extension you will see issues in ‌server accessibility.

You can try to deactivate the website’s newly installed plugin and then access any website. Maybe you won’t see the HTTP 405 method not allowed error.

Sounds great? Go try it out!

Don’t forget to check the database changes

As we move forward, let us share one more case, and that is changes in the database. The issues in the plugin don’t even matter, and still you will see the HTTP 405 error.

Many plugins create such issues in the databases that cause conflict between the server and the resource. Hence, you can access the website’s databases through the web hosting, and control panel using the FTP server.

Therefore, the best way out is to check the database settings using the PHPMyAdmin and fix the server settings.

Recheck the server’s configuration

The HTTP error 405 code also means that the server’s configuration refuses to access the resources requested due to the wrong input of HTTP method.

Therefore, try to inspect the server’s configuration file and see if there are any unintended request handling rules and the redirection from the entered site link.

Check your server’s settings, and see if the config file is working perfectly well. If not then, they work on the configuration and make it better for the users.

Examine the server’s log files

The seventh use case for the HTTP error 405 method not allowed is the examination of the server’s log files.

While you combine the server’s log file; it will help you prevent the root cause of the 405 error.  Mostly there are two types of server log files; access logs, and errors logs.

The best way out is to examine the server’s log file, and see if there is any issue in the configuration. If there is so, then work on the server’s log file and do the fixtures.

Enable the WordPress Debug Mode

Lastly, you can enable the WordPress debug mode that will check the complete site for any type of error, and fix it up themselves.

The debug mode of the WordPress is one of the best options, and will require minimum human input.

Hence, these plugins will help you quickly identify the errors, and fix it up. You can easily get a cure from the HTTP error 405.

What causes the HTTP 405 error?

There are different triggers that cause the HTTP 405 error. Would you like to explore it with us?

Here you go!

Plugin conflicts – In most cases, if a plugin that you install for theme configures the WordPress code, then you might see the HTTP 405 error method not allowed. However, the fixtures steps are already discussed in the blog earlier.

User activities or permission issues – In another case, when improper division of accessibility is given to the users; then there are chances that you will encounter HTTP 405 error issues.

Outdated core, plugin issues – When you install ‌outdated core WordPress file then, the server mostly doesn’t respond to the requests. Therefore, you will see the HTTP 405 error message on the screen.

Incorrect WordPress backend settings – Lastly, if there are incorrect settings of the WordPress website, then, you will see the HTTP 405 error message on the screen.

Wrapping Up — Fixing the HTTP Error 405 Method Not Allowed In 2024

And we are done for the day. There are different reasons that cause the HTTP 405 method not to allow errors to pop up on the screens.

Instead of being frustrated with the constant show up of the error, the best way out is to fix it up using the fixtures we’ve mentioned already in the blog.

Sometimes it’s the error in the settings of the WordPress website, or most of the time the code of the WordPress is disturbed by the newly installed plugin or theme.

Therefore, it’s necessary to pay high attention to the HTTP 405 method not allowing error fixtures, and follow this blog for instant updates.


1.    What is the 405 HTTP method not allowed here?

The 405 method not allowed error happens when the web server is not configured in the right way, and is configured to not allow users to get any results on a certain action.

2.    What is the HTTP code not supported?

The 505 HTTP version not supported response code means that the version you’re trying to access of HTTP used in the request is not supported by the server.


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